Go Sustainable Unveils Net-Zero Framework To Reduce Carbon Footprint In Marketing Operations- Zee News
February 5, 2024
From expansive trade shows and vibrant festivals to intimate business conferences, corporate events play an important role in our society, fostering social, economic, and technological benefits. The hospitality industry is at the forefront of attracting companies to host their events on their premises.
Do you know
The hospitality industry, among others, significantly contributes to plastic pollution through the widespread single use of plastic. Worldwide, hotels generate 289,700 tonnes of waste annually.
Driving these events
The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) vertical drives these events, playing a critical role in identifying and executing them for their companies. As a responsible leader, have you considered the impact of single-use plastic, such as plastic water bottles, PVC branding, merchandise, and stationery, during your events?
It is important to identify the areas which produces the carbon emissions and take actions to optimise and measure.
Take action
Now is the time for the CMO vertical and the hospitality industry to come together and take necessary climate actions to eliminate the single use of plastic in their events.
We all need to be responsible and work not only to achieve net-zero by avoiding the use of plastics but also to look into other areas that generate a carbon footprint through your events.
At Go Sustainable, we will work with you to identify nine diverse categories outlined on our website, aiming to construct a thoughtful framework and cultivate an action plan dedicated to reducing carbon emissions.
Not only do we assist you in connecting with the right vendors who can supply recyclable flex for your branding, stationery, and merchandise etc., all of which have a low carbon footprint and beyond and making your event a sustainable one.
Please send an email to us with your inquiries at askme@gosustainable.ai.
Blog by:
Mohammed Shafeeq
Founder CEO, Go Sustainable